
The info(“selectduplicatesortwarning”) function works with the selectduplicatesnowarning statement to ascertain whether or not the database was sorted correctly when last search for duplicates was performed.


This function works with the selectduplicatesnowarning statement to ascertain whether or not the database was sorted correctly when last search for duplicates was performed. This function will return true if data was not sorted in the correct order. If this function is true, it is possible that not all duplicates will have been selected (duplicates are only selected if they are adjacent to each other in the database before the operation begins, hence the need for sorting). Your programming code can display a warning message or take some other action as needed (perhaps sorting the data).

selectduplicatesnowarning LastName+FirstName[1,1]
if info("selectduplicatesortwarning")
    message "Warning -- some duplicates may not have been selected"

Note: If you want Panorama to take care of displaying the warning notice for you, use the selectduplicates statement.

See Also


10.1.1NewNew in this version.