The info(“collapsible”) function checks to see if the current record is collapsible.
This function checks to see if the current record is collapsible, in other words, is it a summary record with one or more expanded child records? This function returns the count of any expanded child records, if there are none, it returns zero.
This example could be used as a formula for a Image Display Object. This object will display an arrow that shows whether this record is collapsible or not, much like the outline view in the Finder.
?(info("collapsible"),"right arrow","up arrow")
See Also
- analyzedialog -- opens the standard Analyze dialog.
- average -- calculates averages and sub-averages for the selected records in the current field.
- collapse -- hides the detail records associated with the currently active summary record.
- collapsetosummary -- collapses to the next higher summary level.
- count -- counts all non-empty data cells for the current field.
- expand -- reveals the next level of collapsed detail records associated with the currently active summary record.
- expandall -- reveals all collapsed detail records associated with the currently active summary record.
- groupdown -- divides the database into groups, with a summary record at the end of each group. The groups are arranged in descending order (high to low).
- groupup -- divides the database into groups, with a summary record at the end of each group. The groups are arranged in ascending order (low to high).
- info("expandable") -- checks to see if the current record is expandable.
- maximum -- calculates the maximum and sub-maximums for the current field.
- minimum -- calculates the minimum and sub-minimums for the current field.
- removeallsummaries -- removes all summary records.
- removedetail -- removes data records from the current database, leaving only summary records. It can also delete low level summary records, leaving only higher levels.
- removesummaries -- removes summary records from the current database.
- total -- calculates totals and subtotals for the current field.
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