The fileglobalvalue( function accesses a fileglobal or permanent variable from other databases.
This function has two parameters:
database – is the name of the database that contains the fileglobal or permanent variable. Note: This database must currently be open! If the database parameter is ""
, or is omitted, the current database is assumed.
variable – is the name of the variable you want to access. In general, this variable name must be enclosed in quotes (unless you are using a formula to calculate the name).
This function makes it possible to access a fileglobal or permanent variable from other databases. (Usually these variables can only be accessed from the database in which they were created.)
This example dials the phone using the default area code stored as a permanent variable named DefaultAreaCode in the Prefs database
dial fileglobalvalue("Prefs","DefaultAreaCode")+Phone
Note: If you want to grab a fileglobal or permanent variable in the current database, you can set the database parameter to ""
, or simply omit the database parameter.
message fileglobalvalue("Channel"+channelNumber)
If channelNumber contains 7, this will display the contents of the Channel7 variable.
Note: In older versions of Panorama (version 6.0 and earlier), this function was called grabfilevariable(
. For compatibility with legacy databases, this name still works.
See Also
- assign( -- assigns a value to a field or variable, also returning the value.
- assignglobal( -- assigns a value to a global variable (creating the variable if necessary).
- cache( -- stores a value in a temporary variable.
- callerslocalvariablevalue( -- allows a subroutine to access a local variable in the procedure that called it.
- cardvalidate -- verifies that a number is a valid credit card number.
- convertvariablestoconstants -- converts all of the variables in a formula into constant values.
- datatype( -- determines what kind of data is in a field or variable: text, number, etc.
- datavalue( -- returns the value of a field or variable: text, number, etc.
- fieldstotextvariables -- copies database fields into variables.
- fileglobal -- creates one or more fileglobal variables.
- global -- creates one or more global variables.
- globalvalue( -- returns the value of a global variable.
- increment -- increments a field or variable.
- info("callerslocalvariables") -- returns a list of local variables defined in the procedure that called the current procedure.
- info("filevariables") -- builds a carriage return separated text array containing a list of the currently allocated fileglobal variables in the current database.
- info("globalvariables") -- builds a carriage return separated text array containing a list of the currently allocated global variables.
- info("localvariables") -- builds a carriage return separated text array containing a list of the currently allocated local variables.
- labelize( -- returns the value of a field or variable along with a label. This saves typing when you need to display fields or variables when logging and debugging.
- labelizeformula( -- returns the value of a formula along with the formula itself as a label.
- labelizeinfo( -- returns the value of an info( function, along with the function itself as a label.
- local -- creates one or more local variables.
- localparameters -- creates one or more local variables and assigns parameter values to them.
- localvalue( -- returns the value of a local variable.
- makefileglobals -- creates one or more fileglobal variables, and assigns a value to each new variable.
- makeglobals -- creates one or more global variables, and assigns a value to each new variable.
- makelocals -- creates one or more local variables, and assigns a value to each new variable.
- permanent -- creates one or more permanent variables.
- savelocalvariables -- saves local variables as a procedure.
- scopes( -- returns the current scope of a variable, as well as any hidden scopes.
- scopevalue( -- returns the value of a variable in the specified scope.
- setcallerslocal -- allows a subroutine to modify a local variable in the procedure that called it.
- setfileglobal -- sets the value of a fileglobal variable (optionally in another database).
- setfilevariable -- sets the value of a fileglobal variable in another database.
- setpermanentvariable -- sets the value of a permanent variable in another database. The database must be open. An empty value will choose the currently active database.
- setwindowglobal -- sets the value of a windowglobal variable (optionally in another window).
- showvariables -- forces Panorama to update the display of one or more variables on every form in the active database.
- showwindowvariables -- forces Panorama to update the display of one or more variables in the currently active form.
- tokenname( -- returns the name of a field or variable (instead of the value contained in the field or variables).
- undefine -- destroys one or more variables.
- undefinefileglobal -- destroys one or more fileglobal variables.
- undefineglobal -- destroys one or more global variables.
- undefinewindowglobal -- destroys one or more windowglobal variables.
- unpermanent -- converts one or more permanent variables into regular fileglobal variables. The variables will no longer be saved as part of the database.
- windowglobal -- creates one or more windowglobal variables.
- windowglobalvalue( -- accesses a windowglobal variable from other windows.
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0, but the database variable may be omitted (in which case it defaults to the current database). Also, this function has a new name, it was formerly the grabfilevariable( function (which still works for compatibility with legacy databases). |