
The webformitem statement sets a field or variable with the value of a POST web form item (used when processing a web query with Panorama Server).


This statement has two parameters:

item – name of the form item, which must match a post argument in the submitted HTTP POST query.

name – name of field or variable to receive the result.


This functions sets a field or variable with the value of a POST web form item (used when processing a web query with Panorama Server).

webformitem "Name",CustomerName

If the field is text, the code above is exactly the same as using the webformitemvalue( function, like this:

CustomerName = webformitemvalue("Name")

However, if a numeric field is specified, the webformitem statement will make sure that the data is converted into a number. So this code:

webformitem "Price",ListPrice

is equivalent to this:

ListPrice = val(webformitemvalue("Price"))

If a date field is specified, the form item will be converted to Panorama’s internal date format using the rules of the date( function, so “smart” dates like Jan 12, next tuesday or today are supported. So this code:

webformitem "Date",StartDate

is equivalent to this:

StartDate = date(webformitemvalue("Date"))

However, if an invalid date is entered (for example June 47), the webformitem will fill the clear date field (make the field empty).

To summarize, if you use the webformitem statement, you don’t have to worry about the data type of the fields, any necessary conversion is take care of for you.

See Also


10.2UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0, however, the separator parameter is no longer supported, and multiple form items with the same name but different values are no longer supported.