The downloaddatafromserver statement asynchronously downloads pre-calculated binary data from a Panorama server.
This statement has three parameters:
url – URL of data on server of (in compressed format).
tempid – ID of data on server of (so it can be deleted when finished).
extradata – extra data to be passed thru to post download routine (usually a dictionary).
This statement asynchronously downloads pre-calculated binary data from the server. Before using this statement you must call a server statement that pre-calculates the binary data into a temporary file on the server and returns a URL and temporary ID for the data. You can then use the downloaddatafromserver statement to actually download the data. After the data is downloaded the temporary file on the server is automatically deleted for you. Panorama uses the downloaddatafromserver statement internally for tasks like data synchronization when a shared file is opened. (Note: Internally, the downloaddatabasefromserver statement uses the urltask( function to actually download the data from the server.)
Here is an example of how this statement is used. (The example is incomplete because there currently is no documented method for preparing the binary data on the server, this is done using undocumented methods.) This example illustrates the asynchronous nature of the downloaddatafromserver statement, in other words, the data is downloaded in the background. Because the program doesn’t wait for the downloaded data, the downloaded data is not available to the code immediately after the downloaddatafromserver statement. Usually your code will simply return after this statement. As shown in the example below, your procedure must contain a label named DownloadReady:
. When the downloaded data is ready, Panorama will automaticaly restart your code at this point so that you can process the data.
// not shown ... calling the server to prepare binary data,
// returning tempFileURL and tempFileID
downloadfromserver tempFileURL,tempFileID,""
// download is happening in background, so we just return for now
// download has finished, our data is ready
let downloadedData = parameter(1) // get the downloaded data
// now do something with the downloaded data
It’s important to keep in mind that the restarted code is not a continuation of the original code, so any local variables that were in use are now gone. This is the reason for the EXTRADATA dictionary parameter. If you need to be able to access any local variables you were using, put them into the EXTRADATA dictionary. The restarted code can access these values by extracting them from the dictionary, as shown in the example below.
let myLocalOne = ... some value ...
let myLocalTwo = ... some value ...
downloadfromserver tempFileURL,tempFileID,
// download has finished, our data is ready
let downloadedData = parameter(1) // get the downloaded data
let extraData = parameter(2) // get the extra data back
let myLocalOne = getdictionaryvalue(extraData,"LOCAL1")
let myLocalTwo = getdictionaryvalue(extraData,"LOCAL2")
// now do something with the downloaded data and local values
The EXTRADATA dictionary is not limited to local variables – you can put any calculated value into this dictionary. This example saves the time at the start of the download, then uses the saved time to calculate and display the elapsed time when the download is complete.
downloadfromserver tempFileURL,tempFileID,
// download has finished, our data is ready
let downloadedData = parameter(1) // get the downloaded data
let extraData = parameter(2) // get the extra data back
let startTime = getdictionaryvalue(extraData,"STARTTIME")
nsnotify "Download complete",
"TEXT",pattern(supernow()-startTime,"# second~")
// now do something with the downloaded data
If you expect a large amount of data to be downloaded, you might like Panorama to display the progress of the download in the tool bar banner. You can do this by adding a BANNER
item to the extra data dictionary, with a value that evaluates to true ("YES"
, "TRUE"
, "ON"
or true()
), as shown in this example.
downloadfromserver tempFileURL,tempFileID,
Of course you can put as many items as you like into the extra data dictionary, including a banner specification, local variables, and arbitrary calculations.
See Also
- Panorama Server -- sharing a database across multiple computers, or even across the entire internet.
- abortifstructurelocked -- Check if database structure is locked, if it is, notify user and stop program.
- addremotehost -- makes a remote host available to this computer.
- adjustservervariable -- adjusts the value of a server variable. This is an "atomic" operation, so it is multi-user friendly.
- adjustservervariable( -- adjusts the value of a server variable. This is an "atomic" operation, so it is multi-user friendly.
- Advanced Server Settings -- Panorama X Server settings for advanced users.
- alerttimestampmismatches -- display mismatched time stamps.
- assignservervariable -- assigns a value to a permanent variable on the server. If the server variable does not already exist, it will be created.
- Automatic Record Numbering in a Shared Database -- generating unique numbers across multiple users.
- bonjour( -- returns a list of available hosts.
- bonjourserversenabled( -- returns true if client access to bounjour servers (on local network) is enabled.
- bookmarkshareddatabase -- saves the local location of the current shared database.
- Bulk Data Transformations on Shared Databases -- using formulafill, propagate, etc. in a shared environment.
- Changing the Design of a Shared Database -- modifying database fields, forms and/or procedures.
- checkserverconnection -- checks to see if the specified server is connected.
- checkserverconnection( -- checks to see if the specified server is connected.
- checkserversynchronization -- checks the synchronization of the current database.
- checkstructurelock -- Check if database structure is locked, if it is, notify user and stop program.
- Client/Server Debug Instrumentation -- using instrumentation with Panorama X server and clients.
- clientimportallocaterecords -- contacts the server to allocate new records when importing or appending new data.
- clientimportuploaddata -- contacts the server to upload and insert new records to the server when importing or appending new data.
- cloakeddatabasename( -- converts the regular "uncloaked" database name into the internal "mangled" name used on the server.
- connecttoserver -- reconnects the current database to the server (after the dropserver statement has been used).
- Controlling and Monitoring the Server Connection -- overriding automatic server connection behavior.
- Creating a Shared Database -- convert a single user database into a shared database.
- databaseoptionsdialog -- opens the standard Database Options dialog.
- dbserverdomain( -- returns the server domain for the database.
- defineservervariable -- defines the value of a permanent variable on the server. If the variable already exists, it is not touched.
- deletewebtemplate -- deletes the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- disconnectedserver -- takes the current database offline without contacting the server.
- downloaddatabasefromserver -- downloads a database file from a Panorama server.
- downloadrecord -- downloads the current record from the connected server.
- downloadrecordwithwarning -- downloads the current record from the connected server, with a warning if the record is currently locked.
- dropallshareddatabases -- drops the connection to all shared databases. Panorama uses this when the client is about to quit, could also be used if you know you are about to go offline.
- dropserver -- disconnects the current database from the server.
- enterprisecall -- calls a procedure in a server database, opening and closing the database if necessary.
- forcelockrecord -- immediately locks the current record.
- forcesynchronize -- force synchronizes the local database with Panorama Server (downloads all records, not just recently modified ones).
- forcesynchronizeall -- force synchronizes all open databases.
- forceunlockallrecords -- immediately unlocks all records in the current database.
- forceunlockdatabaserecord -- immediately unlocks an arbitrary record in the specified server database.
- forceunlockrecord -- immediately unlocks the current record.
- getserverlog -- retrieves information from one or more server logs.
- getserverlog( -- retrieves information from one or more server logs.
- getwebtabletemplate -- converts a web table template (created by the Text Export Wizard) into the format compatible with the HTMLDataTable statement.
- getwebtabletemplate( -- converts a web table template (created by the Text Export Wizard) into the format compatible with the HTMLDataTable statement.
- getwebtemplate -- retrieves the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- getwebtemplate( -- retrieves the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- getwebtemplatetext -- retrieves the text of the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- getwebtemplatetext( -- retrieves the text of the web template (a dictionary) associated with a form (if any).
- grabwebformitems -- grabs multiple web form items and stuffs the values into fields and/or variables.
- hostdatabases -- downloads a list of available databases on a Panorama X Server.
- hostdownload -- downloads a shared file to this computer, prompting the user for the location.
- hostedfiles( -- returns a list of open databases associated with a specified host (server).
- info("runningonserver") -- returns true if code is running on Panorama X Server, false if running on client.
- info("serverconnectionstatus") -- returns the status of the connection between this database and the server.
- info("serverupdate") -- returns true if the server update option is currently turned on (this is the default).
- info("unsharedrecordid") -- returns the minimum ID for unshared records.
- Installing and Launching Panorama Server -- instructions for getting Panorama Server up and running, as well as best practices for configuring system settings on a server computer.
- installpanoramacgi -- installs Panoramax.cgi for use with external web server.
- Introduction to Panorama X Team Server -- using a server extends the reach of Panorama beyond a single computer to a network of connected computers, or even across the entire Internet. This topic introduces the concepts needed to understand the operation of the Panorama X Team Server system, including multi-user database sharing and database web publishing.
- letservervariable -- creates a server variable and assigns a value to it.
- listwebtables -- generates a list of web tables (generated by the Text Export wizard) in the specified database.
- listwebtables( -- returns the list of web tables (generated by the Text Export wizard) in the specified database.
- listwebtemplates -- retrieves a list of web templates in the specified database, if any.
- listwebtemplates( -- retrieves a list of web templates in the specified database, if any.
- lockcurrentrecord( -- attempts to lock the current record, returns true if successful, false if failed.
- lockedrecordlist -- returns a list of records locked in the current database.
- lockorstop -- attempts to lock the current record. If the record is currently locked by another user, the procedure stops with an error
- lockrecord -- attempts to lock the current record, and waits if it is currently locked by another user.
- Logging Server Activity -- recording server activities for later analysis.
- Looking up Data Directly from the Server -- local in-memory vs. server lookups.
- Manually Uploading a Quick Patch to the Server -- uploading a procedure or form.
- panoramaxservercgiurl( -- returns the URL associated with a Panorama X server cgi.
- panoramaxservers( -- returns an array of available Panorama servers.
- panoramaxserverurl( -- returns the URL associated with a Panorama X server.
- Permanently Deleting a Database from the Server -- remove a database from the server.
- Permanently Detaching a Shared Database from the Server -- unshare a shared database.
- Record Locking and Editing Shared Data -- coordinating data entry across multiple simultaneous users.
- Record Locking in Procedure Code -- implicit and explicit management of record locking.
- recordislocked( -- tests whether the current record is locked on this client.
- remotepanoramaxservers( -- returns the names of all Panorama X servers that are remotely accessible from this computer.
- removeremotehost -- makes a remote host unavailable to this computer.
- renderwebform -- renders a Panorama web form into HTML, merging data into the template as necessary.
- renderwebform( -- renders a Panorama web form into HTML, merging data into the template as necessary.
- renderwebtable -- renders a web table using records selected with WebSelect in the current database.
- renderwebtable( -- renders a web table using records selected with WebSelect in the current database.
- Restricting Server Access -- limiting Panorama X Server access to authorized users.
- resynchronize -- synchronizes the local database with Panorama Server. This is the same as choosing Synchronize from the File menu.
- retrywebform -- retries a web form that has missing or invalid data.
- savewebtemplate -- saves a web template (a dictionary) associated with a form.
- Server Administration Wizard -- this wizard is used to monitor the operation of Panorama servers (both local and remote servers can be monitored), including monitoring server status, checking database status and downloading databases, and monitoring the status of user sessions.
- Server Variables (Shared Variables) -- sharing variable values across multiple users.
- serverformulafill -- fills a specified subset of records in a shared database.
- serverjournalcode -- writes code to journal file.
- serverjournalcurrentrecord -- writes the current record to journal file.
- serverlog -- adds a line to one or more server logs.
- serverupdate -- temporarily disables record locking and server updates when using a shared database.
- servervariable( -- returns the value of a server variable (a permanent variable on the server).
- sethiddenwebformitem -- adds a hidden field to a form on a web page.
- Setting up a Computer as a Panorama X Client -- instructions for setting up a new client computer so that it can access a Panorama X server.
- Shared Database Synchronization -- data synchronization across multiple users.
- shareddatabasebookmarkedpath( -- retrieves the local path and filename of a server database (if any).
- sharedusers( -- returns a list of users that are currently using the specified database.
- Sharing Icon & Context Menu -- operation of the sharing icon and pop-up menu (in the toolbar).
- startbonjour -- starts monitoring the local network for available hosts.
- startnewdatabasegeneration -- starts a new generation of the current database to the server (must be a shared database).
- stashwebformitems -- takes the variables created with the GrabWebFormItems statement and assigns them to fields in the current record.
- stopbonjour -- cancels monitoring of the local network for available hosts.
- synchronize -- synchronizes the local database with Panorama Server. This is the same as choosing *Synchronize* from the *File* menu.
- synchronizeall -- synchronizes all open databases.
- Synchronizing in Procedure Code -- customizing the data synchronization process.
- Temporarily Disconnecting a Shared Database from the Server -- pause database sharing.
- uncloakeddatabasename( -- converts the internal server name of a database to the regular "uncloaked" name.
- undefineservervariable -- destroys a server variable.
- uploaddatatoserver -- uploads binary data to the server.
- uploadfiletoserver -- uploads a file or folder to a Panorama server.
- uploadnewdatabasegeneration -- uploads a new generation of the current database to the server (must be a shared database).
- Using an External Web Server -- instructions for using Panorama Server in conjunction with an external web server (for example Apache, Nginx, etc.).
- Web Cookies -- web cookies.
- Web Only Databases -- databases that are web published but not shared (no synchronization).
- webdatabaseadminpage -- generates a web admin HTML page for the current database.
- webdatabasetoform -- fills in an HTML form with database field values.
- webformallitems( -- returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server as a carriage return separated list.
- webformerrors( -- returns a list of errors that have been collected with the WebFormItemCheck statement.
- webformhiddenitems( -- returns a list of the hidden items in the web form submitted to this web procedure.
- webformitem -- sets a field or variable with the value of a POST web form item (used when processing a web query with Panorama Server).
- webformitembang -- sets the text generated by the webformitembang( function.
- webformitembang( -- returns an exclamation point, icon or symbol to indicate an error in a web form for data entry.
- webformitemcheck -- uses a formula to check the validity of a web form item.
- webformitemerror( -- returns the error for a specific web form item, if any (used when processing a web query with Panorama Server).
- webformitemnames -- returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server as a carriage return separated list.
- webformitemnames( -- returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server as a carriage return separated list.
- webformitems( -- returns a list of POST parameters passed from a form to the web server, including both visible and invisible items (but excluding the special items Panorama generates for its own internal use).
- webformmerge -- fills in an HTML form with database values (fields and variables).
- webformmissingfields( -- lists required fields that were not been entered into a web form.
- webformname( -- when processing data input into a web form, this function returns the name of the Panorama form associated with the web form (if any).
- webformrecordid -- adds a RECORD_ID hidden field to the HTML of a web form.
- webformselection -- selects data based on input from a web form. The web form must have fields that match the database fields.
- webformtodatabase -- updates the current database with information from the web form that was just submitted.
- webformvisibleitems( -- returns a list of the visible items in the web form submitted to this web procedure.
- webmerge -- merges an external HTML template file with fields and variables from the current record.
- webselect -- select data on web server using a formula.
- webserverinfo -- retrieves additional information about the web server and the current browser request.
- webthisrecordkey -- makes a key for use with the WebURLSelect statement to specify the current record.
- webthisrecordkey( -- makes a key for use with the WebURLSelect statement to specify the current record.
- weburlfind -- finds a record based on keys in a URL.
- weburlselect -- selects one or more records based on keys in a URL.
- Working with Sharing Disruptions -- dealing with network & power outages, disconnections, and other anomalies.
- Working With Summary Records in a Shared Database -- summary records are not shared between users.
10.2 | New | New in this version. |