This page is currently incomplete, but you can find information about this topic at the links below:
- activeobjectaction -- The activeobjectaction statement allows a procedure to communicate with the object on the current form that is currently being edited (if any).
- automaticformname( -- The automaticformname( function returns an available form name.
- bestfitrectangle( -- The bestfitrectangle( function fits a rectangle within a boundary rectangle, enlarging or reducing as necessary to produce the best fit without changing the proportions.
- bestfitrectangle -- The bestfitrectangle statement fits a rectangle within a boundary rectangle, enlarging or reducing as necessary to produce the best fit without changing the proportions.
- calcenclosingrectangle -- The calcenclosingrectangle statement will calculate the rectangle surrounding all of the specified objects.
- changeobject -- The changeobject statement modifies the properties of one object in a form.
- changeobjects -- The changeobjects statement modifies the properties of one or more objects in a form.
- cloneform -- The cloneform statement copies all of the objects in a form (optionally, with modifications) into the active form.
- cloneobjects -- The cloneobjects statement duplicates objects in a form (with modifications).
- closeactiveobject -- The closeactiveobject statement closes any object whose text is currently being edited.
- datamode -- The datamode statement switches a form from graphics mode into data mode.
- deleteselectedobjects -- The deleteselectedobjects statement deletes selected objects from a form.
- dragarrayorder -- The dragarrayorder statement tracks dragging of a cell within a Matrix or Text List object, then reorders the array associated with that object accordingly.
- draggraybox -- The draggraybox statement facilitates dragging something around in a form window.
- dragtext -- The dragtext statement starts drag-and-drop of text.
- dragwithinmatrix -- The dragwithinmatrix statement tracks dragging of a cell within a Matrix or Text List object.
- fontinformation -- The fontinformation statement accesses information about a font (see also the fontinfo( function).
- formxy -- The formxy statement programmatically scrolls a form to a new position.
- getbutton -- The getbutton statement retrieves the coordinates of the last button that was pressed (in global screen co-ordinates).
- getclick -- The getclick statement returns the location of the mouse in global coordinates (coordinates from the top left corner of the screen).
- getinternalbutton -- The getinternalbutton statement retrieves the coordinates of the last button that was pressed (in form relative coordinates).
- getlocalbutton -- The getlocalbutton statement retrieves the coordinates of the last button that was pressed (in window relative coordinates).
- getlocalclick -- The getlocalclick statement returns the location of the most recent mouse click in local coordinates (coordinates from the top left corner of the current form).
- graphicsmode -- The graphicsmode statement switches a form into graphics mode.
- imagedimensions( -- The imagedimensions( function returns the dimensions (height and width) of an image file.
- imageinfo( -- The imageinfo( function returns information about an image file on disk.
- info("accessorypanelwidth") -- The info("accessorypanelwidth") function returns the current width of the current window's accessory panel, if any.
- info("activeobject") -- The info("activeobject") function returns the name of the currently active text editor or word processor object (if any).
- info("activeobjectid") -- The info("activeobjectid") function returns the object ID of the currently active text editor or text list object, if any.
- info("activesuperobject") -- The info("activesuperobject") function returns the name of the currently active text editor or word processor object, if any.
- info("buttonrectangle") -- The info("buttonrectangle") function returns a rectangle defining the edges of the most recently clicked button.
- info("click") -- The info("click") function returns the location of the last mouse click in screen relative coordinates.
- info("clickedobjectid") -- The info("clickedobjectid") function returns the object ID of the clicked object.
- info("clickedobjectname") -- The info("clickedobjectname") function returns the name of the button that was just clicked.
- info("focusobject") -- The info("focusobject") function returns the name of the currently active text editor or word processor object, if any.
- info("focusobjectid") -- The info("focusobjectid") function returns the object ID of the currently active text editor or text list object, if any.
- info("fonts") -- The info("fonts") function returns a list of all fonts installed on this computer.
- info("magnification") -- The info("magnification") function returns the current magnification of the current form.
- info("matrixclickedframeform") -- The info("matrixclickedframeform") function returns the form that contains the matrix frame, or `""` if the current form contains the frame.
- info("noshow") -- The info("noshow") function returns true if noshow is currently turned on, false if it is not.
- info("scrollpoint") -- The info("scrollpoint") function returns the distance the current form is scrolled horizontally and vertically.
- magicformwindow -- The magicformwindow statement designates an open window as the temporary active window for the purposes of info( functions and graphic statements.
- magicwindow -- The magicwindow statement designates an open window as the temporary active window for the purposes of info( functions and graphic statements.
- magnification -- The magnification statement changes the magnification of a form.
- matrixbutton -- The matrixbutton statement helps implement buttons in a matrix object.
- matrixbuttonhelper -- The matrixbuttonhelper statement helps implement buttons in a matrix object.
- matrixclick -- The matrixclick statement will run the code belonging to an object that was clicked within a matrix frame.
- matrixclickedobjectid -- The matrixclickedobjectid statement helps implement buttons in a matrix object.
- matrixredrawclickedcell -- The matrixredrawclickedcell statement redraws the matrix cell that was just clicked.
- Modifiable Object Properties -- describes the properties of graphic objects that can be modified by a program (dimensions, color, font, title, etc.).
- moveobjects -- The moveobjects statement will move an object or group of objects up, down, left or right on the form.
- newformobject -- The newformobject statement creates a new graphic object in a form.
- object -- The object statement selects an object (based on the object name).
- objectaction -- The objectaction statement allows a procedure to communicate with an object on the current form.
- objectid -- The objectid statement selects one graphic object in the current form based on an ID number.
- objectinfo( -- The objectinfo( function returns information about a graphic object: its location, size, color, font, etc.
- objectinfoarray( -- The objectinfoarray( function builds a text array of form object properties
- objectnumber -- The objectnumber statement identifies one graphic object from a set of selected graphic objects in the current form.
- pointstr( -- The pointstr( function converts a point value into text in the format v,h (for example 34,56).
- progressbar -- The progressbar statement updates a progress bar on the current form.
- rectanglealign( -- The rectanglealign( function aligns a small rectangle at one of nine positions within a larger rectangle.
- richtextdata( -- The richtextdata( function adjusts text so that it will display properly in rich text even if it contains a < character.
- richtextdisplay( -- The richtextdisplay( function works with Text Display objects to display text with multiple styles, fonts, colors and alignments.
- selectallobjects -- The selectallobjects statement selects all the graphic objects in the current form.
- selectnoobjects -- The selectnoobjects statement unselects all the graphic objects in the current form.
- selectobjects -- The selectobjects statement uses a formula to select one or more objects in the current form.
- setrectedges -- The setrectedges statement changes the edges of the specified rectangle.
- startgraphicschange -- The startgraphicschange statement adds undo support to a procedure.
- Text Display Programming -- programming a Text Display Object.
- Text Editor Programming -- programming a Text Editor Object.
- textdisplay( -- The textdisplay( function works with Text Display Objects to control the color and style of text on the fly.
- textlisttableoptions -- The textlisttableoptions statement sets up text list table options
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0, with some updates. |