
The automaticformname( function returns an available form name.


This function has one parameter:

prefix – the prefix for the new form name. Note: This parameter is optional, if omitted, there won’t be any prefix.


This function is intended for automatically generating new form names. The form names will consist of a prefix followed by sequential letters – A, B, C, etc. The function will automatically generate the first available form name in that sequence (in other words, the returned name is guaranteed to not already be used as a form name in this database). Use this function when you want to create a new form and don’t care what the new form name is.

If no prefix is supplied, the form names will consist only of a letter sequence. (If the sequence goes past 26 fields, it will switch to two letters – AA, AB, AC, etc.)

makenewform automaticformname() ☞ A, B, C, etc.

You can also add a prefix.

makenewform automaticformname("Item") ☞ ItemA, ItemB, ItemC, etc.

See Also


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