The importform statement imports a form into a database.
This statement has three parameters:
archive – is a binary archive containing the form to import. This archive must have been originally created with the exportform( function.
option – one or more options that modify the import. See below for descriptions of each option. The option can be specified in either upper or lower case.
value – is the option value (see below).
This statement imports a form into a database. The form must have been previously saved with the exportform( function. This example copies the form Daily Report from the current database into the Checkbook database.
local transferData
transferData=exportform("Daily Report")
opendatabase "Checkbook"
importform transferData
If the Checkbook database already contained a Daily Report form, it will be updated. If it did not contain a Daily Report form, it will be added.
Note: In addition to the form parameter, you can also specify one or more option/value pairs that modify the import operation, like this:
importform formArchive,option1,value1,option2,value2,option3,value3
This option specifies the name of the imported form. This example makes a copy of the Data Entry form.
local transferData,formName
formName = "Data Entry"
importform transferData,"Name",formName+" Copy"
If there is no name option, the original name the form had when the exportform( function was used will be used.
This option allows you to specify the database the form will be imported into. You can import the form into any open database. If this option is omitted, the form will be imported into the current database.
importform transferData,"Database",targetDB
This option allows you to specify the location of the imported form. The imported form will be imported in front of the specified form. This example makes a copy of the Quarterly Report and inserts the copy, which will be named Monthly Report, above the Quarterly Report form.
local transferData,formName
formName = "Quarterly Report"
importform transferData,"Name","Monthly Report","InsertBefore","Quarterly Report"
If there is no insertbefore option, the imported form will be added at the end of the current list of forms (unless it already exists, in which case it will be updated).
If the form to be imported already exists, the importform statement updates the existing form rather than adding a duplicate. If the update option is false, the statement will NOT update the existing form (instead an error message will be generated.). This example copies the form Monthly Analysis from the current database into the Checkbook database, however, if the Monthly Analysis form already exists in the Checkbook database, the program will stop with an error.
local transferData
transferData=exportform("Monthly Analysis")
opendatabase "Checkbook"
importform transferData,"update","false"
If the form to be imported does not already exist, the importform statement will create it. However, if the create option is false, the statement will NOT create a new form in the database (instead an error message will be generated.). This example copies the form Monthly Analysis from the current database into the Checkbook database, however, if the Monthly Analysis form does not already exist in the Checkbook database, the program will stop with an error. (If it does exist, it will be updated.)
local transferData
transferData=exportform("Monthly Analysis")
opendatabase "Checkbook"
importform transferData,"create","false"
See Also
- Adjusting Object Spacing -- adjust the spacing between multiple selected objects so that the same amount of space is in between each pair of objects.
- adjustobjectspacing -- adjusts the spacing of selected objects in a form.
- adjustobjectspacingdialog -- opens a dialog sheet to adjust the spacing of the currently selected objects.
- Aligning Objects -- so that two or more object edges are made even with each other.
- Automatic Form Construction -- creates a column of form elements for editing data fields (or variables).
- Automatic Mailing Label Construction -- creates a mailing label.
- Automatic Report Construction -- creates a tabular report with columns of data.
- automaticformname( -- returns an available form name.
- bringforward -- brings the selected form objects one layer towards the front.
- bringtofront -- brings the selected form objects to the front.
- Cocoa Objects -- discussion of how objects are implemented in Panorama X compared to earlier versions
- Construct Menu -- used to automatically construct complex form applications, including calendars, lists, mailing labels, and more.
- constructfieldssheet -- opens a sheet to add/insert multiple new fields into the database.
- Creating a New Form -- creating a new empty form, or a duplicate of an existing form.
- Creating a New Form Object -- with the Object Library.
- Data Button Object -- is used to create checkboxes and radio buttons.
- deleteformcustompreference -- deletes a form custom preference.
- Diagnosing a Formula embedded in a Form Object -- diagnosing problems with formulas embedded in form objects.
- Displaying Data in a Grid -- fundamentals of displaying data in a grid (Text List/Matrix).
- Duplicating Objects -- to make copies of one or more objects.
- exportform( -- exports a form and the form's meta data as a binary object that can be imported with the importform statement.
- fieldblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the current field.
- Fixed Image Object -- is used for fixed images (images that never change).
- Fonts -- setting the font and text size of form text objects.
- Form Object Appearance -- changing the color, fill, stroke, opacity and drop shadow attributes of selected objects.
- Form Object Blueprint -- display and edit raw object specifications
- Form Object Code -- associating programming code with an object
- Form Properties -- specify the name of the form, and various form options.
- formblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the current form.
- formcolor -- changes the background color of the current form.
- formoptionsblueprintsheet -- opens a dialog sheet to edit the blueprint of the current form options.
- Forms -- display data with a customizable graphic layout.
- formtodatamode -- switches the current form window to data mode.
- formtographicsmode -- switches the current form window to graphics mode.
- getformcustompreference( -- returns the value of a form custom preference.
- getformcustompreferencenames( -- returns a list of custom preferences associated with a form.
- getformoption( -- returns information about a form.
- goform -- switches the current window to a different form.
- Graphics Mode -- is used to edit the graphic design of a form.
- Grouping Objects -- allows you to manipulate multiple objects as if they were a single object.
- Image Display Animations -- animated images.
- Image Display Colors and Gradients -- displaying pure colors and gradients
- Image Display Data Buttons -- checkboxes and radio buttons created from custom images.
- Image Display Object -- is used for dynamic images (images that change depending on the data).
- Image Display Push Buttons -- push buttons created from custom images.
- info("formevent") -- returns the last event that occurred to the current form.
- info("formname") -- returns the name of the current form.
- Line Item Grid Constructor -- creates a grid of form elements for displaying and editing line item fields.
- Line Object -- draws a line within a form.
- Matrix Clicking -- handling clicks in a Matrix Object.
- Matrix Constructor -- quickly creating a Matrix Object from a template.
- Matrix Database Integration -- synchronizing a Matrix Object with a database.
- Matrix Geometry -- customizing the size and geometry of Matrix Object elements.
- Matrix Header and Horizontal Scrolling -- setting up a custom header for a Matrix Object grid.
- Matrix Object -- displaying a grid of items with a custom arrangement.
- Matrix Object Frame -- setting up the arrangement of items within a Matrix Object.
- Matrix Programming -- programming a Matrix object.
- Object Inspector Panel -- is used to view and modify the attributes of selected objects in a form.
- Object Library -- is used to create new objects in a form.
- Object Names -- can be used to identify an object in a program.
- Objects Menu -- used to select, modify and arrange graphics objects in a form.
- openclonewindow -- opens a clone of the current window.
- openfarform -- opens a form in another database.
- Oval Object -- draws an oval or circle within a form.
- Polygon Object -- draws a polygon within a form.
- Popup Menu Button Object -- is used to create popup menus anywhere on a form.
- printonemultiple -- prints a form over and over again without advancing from record to record. Instead of advancing from record to record, a variable is incremented each time the form is printed. This statement is designed for printing calendars or thumbnails.
- printtopdf -- prints the current database to a PDF file.
- printusingform -- allows the current database to be printed using a different form than the one currently being displayed.
- Progress Indicator Object -- is used to create progress indicators
- Push Button Object -- triggers a procedure when it is pushed.
- Rectangle Object -- draws a rectangle or square within a form.
- Report Tile Object -- component for assembling a custom report.
- Rounded Rectangle Object -- draws a rectangle with round corners within a form.
- Scroll Bar Object -- is used to create scroll bars.
- Segmented Button Object -- is used to created segmented buttons.
- selectedformobjectsblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the currently selected objects.
- Selecting Form Objects -- so that they can be modified.
- sendbackward -- sends the selected form objects one layer towards the back.
- sendtoback -- sends the selected form objects to the back.
- setformcustompreference -- sets the value of a form custom preference.
- setformoptions -- modifies one or more properties of a form (name, viewing mode, etc.).
- setreportcolumns -- allows a procedure to control the number of columns of a report, and the direction (across or down).
- showrectangle -- refreshes all or part of the current form window.
- Slider Object -- is used to create sliders and knobs.
- Smart Resize -- adjusts the sizes and locations of the other selected objects to match the change of one object.
- Star Object -- draws a star within a form.
- Stepper Object -- is used to create numeric steppers for use with Text Editor objects.
- Tab Panel Appearance -- appearance options for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Buttons and Selection -- button options for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Constructor -- quickly creating a Tab Panel Object from a template.
- Tab Panel Content -- setting up the content for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Forms -- setting up the forms for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Object -- switchable tab panels.
- Text Display Object -- is used to display text using a formula.
- Text Editor Object -- is used to edit text in a field or variable.
- Text Label Object -- displays a short, fixed, text item within a form.
- Text List Appearance -- customizing the appearance of a Text List Object.
- Text List Constructor -- quickly creating a Text List Object from a template.
- Text List Database Integration -- synchronizing a Text List Object with a database.
- Text List Multiple Columns -- displaying multiple columns in a Text List Object
- Text List Object -- displaying a grid of text.
- Text List Programming -- programming a Text List Object.
- Text List Searching -- searching within a Text List Object.
- Text List Selection -- selecting items in a Text List Object.
- Text Object Background Color/Gradient -- text object background colors and gradients.
- textlisttableoptions -- sets up text list table options
- View-As-List Forms -- displaying a custom data layout as a continuous sheet.
- Web Browser Object -- is used to display web pages from within a Panorama form.
10.0 | New | New in this version. |