The Object Inspector Panel is used to view and modify the attributes of selected objects in a form. The panel appears in the upper right hand corner of any form window that is in Graphics Mode. You can adjust the height of the Object Inspector Panel by dragging the bottom edge up and down.

The Object Inspector Panel is divided into a number of sub-panels. Choose the sub-panel you want to work with by clicking on its icon from the row of icons at the top of the Object Inspector Panel.

Several of the sub-panels can also be selected with a command key shortcut, as shown above.

Form Properties Panel

The form properties panel controls the overall configuration of the form, including the form name, format, editing and appearance options.

Measurements Panel

The measurements panel allows you to view and control the position and size of the selected object. You can also lock or unlock an object, or set the object’s name.

Appearance Panel

The appearance panel allows you to view and control the color, fill and stroke methods, opacity and drop shadow of the selected objects.

Text Panel

The text panel only applies to objects that display text. It allows you to view and control the alignment (left/right/center), text size, and font of the selected objects. (Note: You can also change the font and text size using the standard system font window).

Formula Panel

The formula panel allows you to view and modify the formula associated with the selected object (or objects).

Objects that use formulas include Text Display Objects, Image Display Objects, Push Button Objects, List Objects, and Web Browser Objects.

Procedure Panel

The procedure panel allows you to view and modify the procedure associated with the selected object (or objects).

Special Object Properties Panel

This panel (sometimes called the magic panel) changes depending on the type of object selected. It allows you to view and modify any special attributes associated with the selected object (or objects).

See Also


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