The primary focus of this release is forms. Forms are by no means complete, but quite a lot has been implemented, including more than half of object types. In earlier versions of Panorama the form editor was very dialog heavy, but so far this new version has no dialogs at all. Instead, objects are manipulated with a series of non-modal inspector palettes.

Another change is that this version doesn’t have a bunch of different tools – mouse always acts as a pointer tool for selection. New objects are created by dragging them from the Object Library (or double clicking on a library item).

This version will import forms from existing Panorama databases. Some Panorama 6 object types aren’t supported yet, these objects should be imported as rectangles (this wasn’t extensively tested, however).

One big change you may notice is the way procedures are handled. In previous versions you could select a procedure associated with an object with a pop-up menu. In this new version, you can type any procedure you want into any object. This is sort of like each object having an execute statement associated with it. If you want to use a regular procedure, use the call statement (when importing objects from Panorama 6 the call statement is generated for you automatically.

There are a number of minor enhancements to many objects, including Text Editor, Text Display, even Groups (which now have two different elastic modes for resizing the group’s subobjects).

Many user interface items (buttons, pop-up menus) are in some ways more limited than in previous versions. In this new version the style of interface items is limited to standard OS X appearances. If you want to make a user interface that looks like a standard OS X control, your life will be easier. However, all of the non-standard styles have been removed.

There are currently three completely new objects – polygons, stars and the exciting new Web Browser Object. The Web Browser object will be enhanced later, I believe that Panorama programmers will be able to run JavaScripts within a browser object and probably will be able to access the DOM.

##Missing Features##

There are plenty of missing features, and some known bugs. To save time all around, here is a partial list:

##Documentation Changes##

As you can see, the look of the on-line documentation has been improved.

Graphic Design Mode features have been mostly, but not completely, documented. However, there are no screen shots or movies. These will be added later.

Brand new features implemented in this release (features that were not included in Panorama 6):

Features implemented in this release that work differently than they did in Panorama 6.

Features implemented in this release that work exactly the same as they did in Panorama 6.

ALL features that were added or changed in this release:

See Also