
The windowbox statement specifies the dimensions (size and location) of the next window that is opened (with openform, opensheet, openprocedure etc.).


This statement has one parameter:

coordinates – is a text item that must contain four numbers within the item. The four numbers are the top, left, bottom, and right coordinates (in points, where 72 points = 1 inch) of the new rectangle.

This parameter may also contain window options, which must be at the end (after the four numbers). If the text contains NoPalette, the window will not have a tool palette. If the text contains NoVertScroll, the window will not have a vertical scroll bar. If the text contains NoHorzScroll, the window will not have a horizontal scroll bar. If the text contains NoDragBar, the window will not have a drag bar across the top (the window will look like a dialog box). The parameter may contain several of these options separated by spaces.


This statement specifies the dimensions (size and location) of the next window that is opened (with openform, opensheet, openprocedure etc.). It can also specify window options, for example whether the tool bar or scroll bars should be included in the window.

When a new window opens it normally reappears in the same position it last appeared in. By using the windowbox statement before opening the window, the procedure can explicitly control where the window appears on the screen.

This simple example opens a new window for the Credit Card form. The top is 120 points down, the left side at 70 points in, the bottom at 280 points down and the right side at 440 points in.

windowbox "120 70 280 440"
openform "Credit Card"

This example opens the same window but without a tool bar or horizontal scroll bar.

windowbox "120 70 280 440 noPalette noHorzScroll"
openform "Credit Card"

Note: Panorama now allows the size and location to be specified directly in the the openform, openprocedure, opendialog and opendialogsheet statements – you no longer need a separate windowbox statement. You can also set the window options directly in the openform statement.

Note: This statement is obsolete, and should not be used in new applications. Use the setwindowrectangle statement instead, or simply add additional parameters to the openform or other statements.

See Also


10.0No ChangeCarried over from Panorama 6.0.