The copypartialdictionary statement builds a new dictionary and initializes it with values from an existing dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
This statement has three parameters:
sourcedictionary – name of the field or variable that contains the original dictionary (must contain binary data).
targetdictionary – name of the field or variable that will contain the new dictionary.
key – is the name of the key to copy. If you need to copy more than one key/value pair, more than one key parameter can be used.
The copypartialdictionary statement takes one or more key names and copies the associated key/value pairs from the original dictionary into a new one. For example, suppose you created a dictionary and stored it in a variable named contact.
fileglobal contact,mailto
"Address","3987 Olive","City","Tustin","State","CA","Zip","92841",
Later, you could use the copypartialdictionary statement to create a second dictionary, callled mailto, that contains just the address information (without the phone number, e-mail, or any other entries that may have been added to the original dictionary):
copypartialdictionary contact,mailto,"Address","City","State","Zip"
Note: For better peformance, use the copypartialdictionary( function instead of this statement.
See Also
- appenddictionaryvalue -- appends a value to an item in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- changedictionaryname -- changes the name (key) of an item in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- changedictionaryvalues( -- changes one or more values in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- classicdictionaryvalue( -- returns the value of an item in the dictionary, given its key (see Data Dictionaries). Unlike getdictionaryvalue(, this function does not treat keys as case sensitive.
- clearglobaldictionaryvalues -- clears (removes) all the keys and values from the specified global dictionary.
- copypartialdictionary( -- partially copies a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- Data Dictionaries -- Overview of Panorama's key/value data dictionaries.
- deletedictionaryvalue -- deletes a key/value pair from a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- deletedictionaryvalue( -- deletes one or more key/value pairs from a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- deleteglobaldictionaryvalues -- deletes one or more global dictionary values.
- dictionaryassignmentscode( -- returns code that can be used to take the values in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries) and assign them to fields or variables based on the dictionary keys.
- dictionarydifference -- builds an array that lists keys of dictionary values that are different between two dictionaries (see Data Dictionaries).
- dictionaryfromarray( -- builds a new dictionary and initializes it from a two dimensional text array (see Data Dictionaries and Text Arrays).
- dictionaryfromvariables( -- builds a new dictionary and initializes it from a list of variables (carriage return delimited).
- dictionaryvalueexists -- returns true or false depending on whether or not a key/value pair exists in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- dictionaryvalueexists( -- returns true or false depending on whether or not a key/value pair exists in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- dumpdictionary -- returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries).
- dumpdictionary( -- returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries).
- dumpdictionaryquoted -- returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries).
- dumpdictionaryquoted( -- returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries). The text values are quoted.
- dumpdictionarysource( -- returns a carriage return separated array of dictionary keys and values (see Data Dictionaries). The keys and values are quoted so that they could be used to re-assemble the dictionary with the initializedictionary( function.
- getdictionarykey -- returns the key of an item in the dictionary, given its value. This is essentially the opposite of the getdictionaryvalue( function (see Data Dictionaries).
- getdictionarykey( -- returns the key of an item in the dictionary, given its value). This is essentially the opposite of the getdictionaryvalue( function (see Data Dictionaries).
- getdictionaryvalue -- returns the value of an item in the dictionary, given its key (see Data Dictionaries).
- getdictionaryvalue( -- returns the value of an item in the dictionary, given its key (see Data Dictionaries).
- getglobaldictionary( -- converts a global dictionary into a regular dictionary.
- getstructurevalue( -- extracts a value from a structure of nested Data Dictionaries and/or Data Arrays.
- Global Dictionaries -- alertnate high performance method to store multiple data items, much faster than regular data dictionaries.
- globaldictionarybuild -- builds a global dictionary by scanning a database.
- globaldictionarykeys( -- returns a cr()-separated array containing the keys in a global dictionary, or the names of all global dictionaries.
- globaldictionaryvalue( -- returns the value of an item in a global dictionary, given its key (see Global Dictionaries).
- info("timerinfo") -- returns a dictionary that contains all of the properties of the currently running timer.
- initializedictionary -- builds a new dictionary and initializes it with one or more key/value entries (see Data Dictionaries).
- initializedictionary( -- builds a new dictionary and initializes it with zero or more key/value entries (see Data Dictionaries).
- initializedictionaryvalue( -- builds a new dictionary and initializes it with one or more entries (see Data Dictionaries). This function is deprecated, we recommend using the initializedictionary( function instead.
- listdictionarykeys( -- returns a list of the keys in a dictionary collection.
- listdictionarynames -- returns a list of the names (keys) in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- mergedictionaries -- merges the contents of two or more dictionaries (see Data Dictionaries).
- mergedictionaries( -- merges the contents of two or more dictionaries (see Data Dictionaries).
- renamedictionarykey( -- changes the key (name) of one or more values in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- setdictionaryvalue -- changes a value in a dictionary (see Data Dictionaries).
- setglobaldictionaryvalues -- sets one or more key/value pairs in a global dictionary.
- setlocalsfromdictionary -- converts a dictionary into a collection of local variables. The names and values of the local variables will be derived from the dictionary contents.
- soundinfo( -- returns a dictionary that contains all of the properties of a sound.
- timerinfo( -- returns a dictionary that contains all of the properties of a timer.
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0, but uses new internal dictionary format |