
The openwithterminal statement opens an application in a new window (useful for debugging).


This statement has two parameters:

application – path and name of application. If the app is in the /Application folder, just the app name is enough, otherwise the entire path is required. The .app extension is optional.

flags – command line flags to be passed to the application (optional).


This statement opens an application in a new window. This makes it easy to see all of the console (log) output from the application, which can be very useful for debugging. If you run a copy of Panorama or Panorama Server this way, you can use the nslog statement to output information to the terminal window.

This example will open Keynote in the terminal (when we tried this, we were quite surprised at how much information appeared in the console log).

openwithterminal "Keynote"

This example opens Activity Monitor. Since this app is not in the main Applications folder, the entire path is required. The .app extension is optional.

openwithterminal "/Applications/Utilities/Activity"

Note: This statement requires that Apple Events are enabled for use with Panorama. In macOS 10.14 and later, this is done thru the Security & Privacy pane in the System Preferences application.

See Also


10.2NewNew in this version.