
The openanything statement opens a document or application.


This statement has one parameter:

path – is a path to the file to be opened, including the file name (see Files and Folders for more information about file paths).


This statement opens a document or application. This has the same effect as double clicking on the application or document in the Finder. If it is a document, it will be opened with its default application. If it is an application, it will be launched (see the launch statement for a way to do this even if you don’t know the path of the application). This example will open the PDF document concert-ticket.pdf in Preview.

openanything "~/downloads/concert-ticket.pdf"

If you want to open a document with some other application, use the openwith statement.

Note: If the specified path is to a folder, a new window containing that folder will be opened in the Finder.

Legacy Two Parameter Syntax

Previous versions of Panorama (version 6 and before) used a two parameter format for the openanything statement:

openanything folder,filename

For compatibility with existing databases, this format still works. Here is an example that opens an image in its default viewer (probably Preview):

openanything dbsubfolder("Images"),"someimage.png"

See Also


10.0UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0 but now uses a one parameter syntax. (The old two parameter syntax is still available.)