This page is currently incomplete, but you can find information about this topic at the links below:
- automaticfieldname( -- The automaticfieldname( function returns an available field name.
- automaticprocedurename( -- The automaticprocedurename( function returns an available procedure name.
- countsummaries( -- The countsummaries( function counts summary records.
- csvexportline( -- The csvexportline( function generates a comma delimited line of data containing all the fields in the current record.
- csvexportlinevisiblecells( -- The csvexportlinevisiblecells( function generates a comma delimited line of data containing all the visible (non hidden) fields in the current record.
- csvquoted( -- The csvquoted( function adds quotes if necessary for CSV text (RFC 4180).
- customstatementdatabase( -- The customstatementdatabase( function returns the name of the library database that defines a custom statement.
- datatype( -- The datatype( function determines what kind of data is in a field or variable: text, number, etc.
- datavalue( -- The datavalue( function returns the value of a field or variable: text, number, etc.
- dbcheckopen( -- The dbcheckopen( function returns true if the specified database is currently open, false if it is not.
- dbinfo( -- The dbinfo( function gets information about a database: what forms it contains, what fields, what flash art pictures, etc.
- decodebase64( -- The decodebase64( function decodes data using Base64.
- emptycell( -- The emptycell( function returns true if the specified field is empty in the current record.
- emptydatabase( -- The emptydatabase( function returns true if the current database is completely blank.
- emptyline( -- The emptyline( function returns true if the entire current record (all fields) is blank, otherwise it is false.
- encodebase64( -- The encodebase64( function encodes data using Base64.
- exportcell( -- The exportcell( function takes any database field and converts it to text, using the appropriate display pattern if one has been defined for the field.
- exportline( -- The exportline( function generates a tab delimited line of data containing all the fields in the current record.
- exportlinenotabs( -- The exportlinenotabs( function generates a tab delimited line of data containing all the fields in the current record. Any tabs within individual fields will be removed.
- exportlinevisiblecells( -- The exportlinevisiblecells( function generates a tab delimited line of data containing all the visible (non hidden) fields in the current record.
- fieldalignment( -- The fieldalignment( function returns the alignment of a database field.
- fieldformula( -- The fieldformula( function returns the formula associated with a database field.
- fieldnumber( -- The fieldnumber( function returns the number of a database field (starting with 1).
- fieldpattern( -- The fieldpattern( function returns the output pattern associated with a database field.
- fieldtypes( -- The fieldtypes( function returns a carriage return delimited array with a list of the fields and field data types.
- fieldwidth( -- The fieldwidth( function returns the width (in the data sheet) of a database field.
- getautonumber( -- The getautonumber( function returns the automatically generated number for the next record that will be added to the database.
- getfieldproperties( -- The getfieldproperties( function returns a dictionary containing all of the properties of the specified field. (See the setfieldproperties statement if you want to change one or more field properties.)
- getproceduretext( -- The getproceduretext( function gets the contents (source code) of a procedure.
- grabfieldtype( -- The grabfieldtype( function returns the type of a database field in any open database.
- hiddenfields( -- The hiddenfields( function returns a list of hidden fields in the curent data sheet window
- info("databasefilename") -- The info("databasefilename") function returns the name of the current database.
- info("databasename") -- The info("databasename") function returns the name of the current database excluding any filename extension (if any).
- info("datatype") -- The info("datatype") function returns the data type of the current field.
- info("empty") -- The info("empty") function returns true or false depending on the result of the last select operation. If no records were selected the function will return true, otherwise it will return false.
- info("files") -- The info("files") function returns a list of all open database files.
- info("found") -- The info("found") function returns true or false depending on whether the last find or next statement was successful.
- info("hiddenfields") -- The info("hiddenfields") function returns a carriage return delimited list of fields that are currently hidden in the current data sheet.
- info("modifiedfield") -- The info("modifiedfield") function returns the name of the field that was just modified.
- info("pagesetuporientation") -- The info("pagesetuporientation") function returns the printing page orientation for the current database.
- info("pagesetuppaperheight") -- The info("pagesetuppaperheight") function returns the printing paper height for the current database.
- info("pagesetuppaperwidth") -- The info("pagesetuppaperwidth") function returns the printing paper width for the current database.
- info("pagesetupscale") -- The info("pagesetupscale") function returns the printing scale factor for the current database.
- info("rawdatabasedata") -- The info("rawdatabasedata") function returns the binary data of the current database.
- info("rawrecord") -- The info("rawrecord") function returns the binary data of the current record.
- info("rawrecordid") -- The info("rawrecordid") function returns a number that represents the location of the current record within the database.
- info("records") -- The info("records") function returns the total number of records in the current database.
- info("selected") -- The info("selected") function returns the number of selected records in the current database.
- info("summary") -- The info("summary") function returns the summary level of the current record, from 0 (data record) to 7.
- info("visible") -- The info("visible") function returns true if the current record is visible and false if it is invisible.
- info("visiblefields") -- The info("visiblefields") function returns a carriage return delimited list of fields that are currently visible in the current data sheet.
- jsonexportline( -- The jsonexportline( function exports the current database record in JSON format.
- listchoices( -- The listchoices( function builds a text array containing a list of all the values stored in a specified field.
- listpanoramafiles( -- The listpanoramafiles( function returns a list of panorama database files in the specified folder.
- post -- The post statement assigns a value to a field in another database.
- sizeof( -- The sizeof( function calculates the amount of memory used by a field or a variable.
- tokenname( -- The tokenname( function returns the name of a field or variable (instead of the value contained in the field or variables).
- uniqueid( -- The uniqueid( function generates ID codes with a text root and a numeric suffix (for example `Jeff261`).
- visiblefieldnumbers( -- The visiblefieldnumbers( function returns a data array of visible fields (by number) in the data sheet.
- visiblefields( -- The visiblefields( function returns a list of visible fields in the data sheet.
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0, with some updates. |