If you want to search the same way over and over again, you can save the search configuration as a favorite. Start by opening the Find/Select Dialog and setting up the configuration. Then click on the star and choose Add to Favorites. Give the search a name and press RETURN or ENTER to have that name replace the default name NEW_FAVORITE in the listing, then press Done.

Once you’ve set up one or more favorite searches, you can see a list of them by clicking on record count in the tool bar. In fact the favorite searches will be listed twice – for select and find.

To make a selection based on a saved favorite, choose select <name of favorite> from the pop-up menu.

To find data based on a saved favorite, choose find <name of favorite> from the pop-up menu.

If a subset has already been selected, there will be additional menu items that allow you to refine the current search using the favorite, starting with Select Within and Select Additional. See Refining a Selection for more information about using these options. In this example this technique is used to select all purchases in the current month.

Your favorite searches are saved separately for each database.

Deleting a Favorite Search

To delete a favorite search, start by opening the Find/Select Dialog. Then click on the star and choose Edit Favorites. Click on the minus button to delete any favorite.

Renaming a Favorite Search

To rename a favorite search, start by opening the Find/Select Dialog. Then click on the star and choose Edit Favorites. Click on the favorite you want to change, then type in the new name, then press the Return key.

Changing a Favorite Search

You can’t change the search criteria used by a favorite search. If you need to make a change, simply delete the favorite and then set it up again.

See Also


10.0UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0, but with a new user interface, and with one-click access from the tool bar.