
The outlinelevel statement expands or collapses the entire database to show a specific level of data or summary level.


This statement has one parameter:

level – is a number that specifies the minimum summary level to be displayed. This value may be between 0 (data record) and 7 (highest level summary). The parameter may also be the word "Data" to display all data and summary records (same as 0).


The outlinelevel statement expands or collapses the entire database to show a specific level of data or summary level. In other words, this statement lets you select if you want to work with the forest or with the trees.

This example calculates summaries for cities and states, then displays the summary information. The original data is hidden.

field State
field City
field Amount
outlinelevel 1

To see the original data and the summaries, use this code:

outlinelevel 0

or this:

outlinelevel "data"

See Also


10.0UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0, but allows numeric as well as text for the level value. Also, this statement no longer supports the *dialog* parameter.