
The timepattern( function converts a number representing a time into text. The function uses a pattern to control how the time is formatted.


This function has two parameters:

time – is the number that you want to convert to text. This number is treated as the number of seconds since midnight. (The seconds( and time( functions can convert text into such a number).

pattern – is text that contains a pattern for formatting the time.


The timepattern( function converts a number representing a time into text. The function uses a pattern to control how the date is formatted. The pattern is assembled from four components: hh (hours), mm (minutes) ss (seconds), and am/pm. Some of the more common time patterns are listed here:

Pattern Typical Output
"hh:mm:ss am/pm" 4:32:17 pm
"hh:mm am/pm" 4:32 pm
"hh:mm:ss" 16:32:17

If am/pm is left off the pattern, the time will be formatted in 24 hour format, as shown on the last line of the table above. You should also leave off am/pm for converting elapsed times to text.

See Also


10.0UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0, but now displays a minus sign at the front if a negative elapsed time is displayed.