
The showwindowvariables statement forces Panorama to update the display of one or more variables in the currently active form.


This statement has one parameter:

variables – is a list of variables to be displayed. (There must, of course, be an object on the form that specifies where and how each specified variable should be displayed. If no such object exists, the variable will not be displayed.) Each variable should be separated from the next by a comma. If a variable name contains spaces or punctuation, or begins with any character except a letter or underscore, it should be surrounded by chevron (« ») characters.


When a variable is changed by a procedure, any display of that variable on a form is not normally updated to show the new value. (Continuously updating all variables would make Panorama procedures much slower.) When you do need Panorama to update the display of a variable in the current form, use the showwindowvariables statement. Every graphic object that displays the variable will be updated, including text and image objects. (Note: The showwindowvariables statement will cause the variable to update only in the current form (so it is ideal for windowglobal variables. If you want the variable to update in all windows of the current database, use the showvariables statement.)

The example creates a windowglobal variable named startTime, fills it with the current time, and then displays the current time.

windowglobal startTime;
startTime = timepattern(now(),"hh:mm am/pm")
showwindowvariables startTime

The showwindowvariables statement is especially useful with clone windows, when you want to update variables displayed in the current window but not update any other open clone windows of the same form.

See Also


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