
The info(“callerslocalvariables”) function returns a list of local variables defined in the procedure that called the current procedure.


This function returns a list of local variables defined in the procedure that called the current procedure. Each variable name is on a separate line (separated by carriage returns). For example, consider this code which sets up two local varaibles and then calls a subroutine.

let color = "Blue"
let shape = "Star"
call dispatch
message color

The code in the dispatch procedure can find out what local variables exist in the original procedure by using the info(“callerslocalvariables”) function. For example, here’s a version of dispatch that checks to see if there is a local variable named color, and if so, sets it to Red. If not, it returns an error (see Error Handling).

if arraycontains(info("callerslocalvariables"),"color",cr())
    setcallerslocal "color","Red"
    returnerror "No color variable!!"

Warning: The info(“callerslocalvaraibles”) function is a very unstructured way to handle data (as are its counterparts, callerslocalvariablevalue( and setcallerslocal). Usually a much better way to pass a value from a subroutine is to use a parameters (see the parameter( function and setparameter statement). However, if you write your own custom statements, this feature can be very useful to allow a custom statement to access a local variable in the procedure it is used in.

See Also


10.2NewNew in this version.