
The  operator performs integer division.


This operator has two parameters:

The first numeric or text value.

value2 – The second numeric or text value.


The  operator converts both operands into integers and then divides them. The result is also an integer. Here are some examples:

17 \ 5 ☞ 3
19 \ 5 ☞ 3
20 \ 4 ☞ 5

Here are the same calculations using the regular division operator:

17 / 5 ☞ 3.4
19 / 5 ☞ 3.8
20 / 4 ☞ 5

Note that because  is an integer operation, the result is truncated, not rounded. If you want to find out the remainder of an integer division use the mod function.

Note for C Programmers: The Panorama formula x\y is equivalent to the C expression (long)x/(long)y

Error Messages

Cannot divide text by a number – Both parameters to this operator must be numbers.

See Also


10.0No ChangeCarried over from Panorama 6.0