The webformlink( function generates a link to a Panorama form on the current web site (the link will open in a new browser window).
This function has four parameters:
database – database to link to (must be on same web server).
form – form to link to (this form must have been previously rendered to HTML and uploaded to the web server).
record – identifies which record should be used to populate the form, leave this blank for a blank form. Otherwise, see the weburlselect statement.
caption – the caption that will be displayed for this link. If left blank, the form name will be used as the caption.
This function generates a link to a Panorama form on the current web site (the link will open in a new browser window).
webformlink("MailingList","Advanced Search","","Search")
☞ <a href="http://site.com/cgi-bin/Panorama.cgi?MailingList~Form~Advanced%20Search"
See Also
- cgilink( -- creates a domain independent URL for another CGI action on the same server.
- cgilinknewwindow( -- creates a domain independent link for another CGI action on the same server that opens a new browser window.
- cginavlink( -- creates a domain-independent navigation link for the current record in this database.
- cginavlinknewwindow( -- creates a domain-independent navigation link (to a new browser window) for the current record in this database.
- encodeurlfragment( -- encodes text so that it can be used in the fragment portion of a URL (the portion after the # symbol).
- encodeurlhost( -- encodes text so that it can be used in the host portion of a URL (for example www.host.com).
- encodeurlpassword( -- encodes text so that it can be used in the password portion of a URL.
- encodeurlpath( -- encodes text so that it can be used in the path portion of a URL (the portion after the host name, but before any ? symbol).
- encodeurlquery( -- encodes text so that it can be used in the query portion of a URL (the portion after the ? symbol).
- encodeurluser( -- encodes text so that it can be used in the user name portion of a URL.
- htmldecode( -- converts HTML text into regular text by converting any special HTML entities (`&`, `©`, etc.) into the corresponding characters.
- htmlencode( -- converts standard text into HTML text by converting any special characters into the equivalent HTML entities.
- urldecode( -- decodes text that contains percent encoded characters.
- urlencode( -- converts text into a legal URL (by converting spaces into `%20`). WARNING: THIS FUNCTION IS OBSOLETE.
- webformlinknewwindow( -- generates a link to a Panorama form on the current web site.
- weblink( -- builds an HTML link tag
- weblinknewwindow( -- builds an HTML link tag
10.0 | No Change | Carried over from Panorama 6.0 |