This page is currently incomplete, but you can find information about this topic at the links below:
- blueprinttool -- The blueprinttool statement handles clicks in the Blueprint Tool (graphic mode).
- buildfavoritesmenu -- The buildfavoritesmenu statement builds the Favorite Databases menu.
- buildwizardmenus -- The buildwizardmenus statement scans the wizard folder to build the Wizard menu and submenus.
- checkforupdates -- The checkforupdates statement performs the same action as the Check for Updates menu item.
- closefile -- The closefile statement closes the current database.
- comparedictprocedures -- The comparedictprocedures statement compares all the procedures from a dictionary with the procedures in a specified database.
- deleteformcustompreference -- The deleteformcustompreference statement deletes a form custom preference.
- emptyfield -- The emptyfield statement tells Panorama to move to the next available (empty) field in a series of line item fields.
- excludefromrecentmenu -- The excludefromrecentmenu statement excludes the next opened database from the Recent menu.
- exportallprocedures -- The exportallprocedures statement saves all the procedures in an editable text format.
- exportprocedure( -- The exportprocedure( function exports a procedure and the procedure's meta data as a binary object that can be imported with the importprocedure statement.
- expressionstacksize -- The expressionstacksize statement does nothing.
- extendedexpressionstack -- The extendedexpressionstack statement does nothing.
- formulabuffer -- The formulabuffer statement does nothing.
- getautonumber -- The getautonumber statement returns the automatically generated number for the next record that will be added to the database.
- getformcustompreference( -- The getformcustompreference( function returns the value of a form custom preference.
- getformcustompreferencenames( -- The getformcustompreferencenames( function returns a list of custom preferences associated with a form.
- getformoption( -- The getformoption( function returns information about a form.
- getprocedureoption( -- The getprocedureoption( function returns information about a procedure.
- getproceduretext -- The getproceduretext statement gets the contents (source) of a procedure and places it in a variable.
- importdictprocedures -- The importdictprocedures statement converts source code exported by the ExportAllProcedures statement into a dictionary.
- importprocedure -- The importprocedure statement imports a procedure into a database.
- info("fieldcount") -- The info("fieldcount") function returns the number of fields in the current database.
- info("fields") -- The info("fields") function returns a carriage return delimited list of fields in the current database.
- info("proceduredatabase") -- The info("proceduredatabase") function returns the name of the database that contains the currently running procedure.
- info("procedurename") -- The info("procedurename") function returns the name of the currently running procedure.
- info("procedureselectedtext") -- The info("procedureselectedtext") function returns the selected source code in the current procedure window.
- info("procedureselectionend") -- The info("procedureselectionend") function returns the ending position of the selected source code in the current procedure window.
- info("procedureselectionlength") -- The info("procedureselectionlength") function returns the length of the selected source code in the current procedure window.
- info("procedureselectionstart") -- The info("procedureselectionstart") function returns the starting position of the selected source code in the current procedure window.
- info("proceduretext") -- The info("proceduretext") function returns the source code in the current procedure window.
- insertnewproceduremark -- The insertnewproceduremark statement inserts a new mark into the current procedure.
- loadallprocedures -- The loadallprocedures statement loads all the procedures from a dictionary into the current database. If a procedure doesn't exist it will be created.
- newdatabasewithfields -- The newdatabasewithfields statement creates a new database with one or more fields.
- newdatabasewithtemplate -- The newdatabasewithtemplate statement creates a new database with a template.
- normalexpressionstack -- The normalexpressionstack statement does nothing.
- openfile -- The openfile statement opens a database file. It can also import data from a text file, another database, or a variable into the current database.
- opentextfile -- The opentextfile statement imports data from a text file or a variable into the current database.
- openwizard -- The openwizard statement opens a wizard, just as it would be opened by selecting that wizard from the menubar.
- procedureinsertfieldname -- The procedureinsertfieldname statement inserts a field name into a procedure, adding chevrons if necessary.
- procedureinserttext -- The procedureinserttext statement inserts text into the current procedure.
- proceduresearch -- The proceduresearch statement searches for text in a procedure.
- proceduresearchexact -- The proceduresearchexact statement searches for text in a procedure.
- proceduresearchnext -- The proceduresearchnext statement searches for text in a procedure, starting from the current location.
- proceduresearchnextexact -- The proceduresearchnextexact statement searches for text in a procedure, starting from the current location.
- proceduresetselection -- The proceduresetselection statement changes the text selection in the current procedure editor window.
- recalculatefield -- The recalculatefield statement recalculates all values in current field based on field's formula (selected records only).
- recompile -- The recompile statement recompiles all procedures in a database.
- revert -- The revert statement reloads the last saved version of the database from the disk.
- runfieldcode -- The runfieldcode statement runs the automatic code associated with the specified field.
- save -- The save statement saves the database to disk.
- saveacopyas -- The saveacopyas statement saves a copy of the currently active file under a new name. The original database remains open in memory under its original name.
- saveallprocedures -- The saveallprocedures statement saves all the procedures in the specified database into a dictionary.
- saveas -- The saveas statement saves a copy of the currently active file under a new name. The original file remains unchanged.
- saveoneprocedure -- The saveoneprocedure statement saves a specific procedure in the specified database into a dictionary.
- saveopenprocedures -- The saveopenprocedures statement saves all the open procedures in the specified database into a dictionary.
- setactivedatabase -- The setactivedatabase statement makes a database active (without changing the configuration of the windows).
- setautonumber -- The setautonumber statement changes the automatically generated number for the next record that will be added to database. This allows you to generate numbers out of sequence, or to start the sequence at a specific value.
- setdatabaseoptions -- The setdatabaseoptions statement modifies one or more properties of a database.
- setformcustompreference -- The setformcustompreference statement sets the value of a form custom preference.
- setformoptions -- The setformoptions statement modifies one or more properties of a form (name, viewing mode, etc.).
- setprocedureoptions -- The setprocedureoptions statement modifies one or more properties of a procedure (source code, Action menu options, etc.).
- setproceduretext -- The setproceduretext statement changes the text of the currently open procedure.
- views( -- The views( function lists views in open databases.
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0, with some updates. |