To create a new form, choose New Form from the View menu.
The new form is immediately ready to use, you can simply start adding new objects (see Creating a New Form Object).
If you don’t want to use the automatically generated form name (Form_A, Form_B, Form_C, etc.) you can rename it using the Form Properties panel. The new name doesn’t take effect until you press the Return or Enter key.
To quickly create a duplicate of an existing form, start by opening the View Organizer.
Next, right-click on the form you want to duplicate, and choose Duplicate from the pop-up menu.
Double click on the copy to open it (or right-click and choose Open from the pop-up menu). You can also open the new form using the View menu.
See View Organizer to learn more.
See Also
- Adjusting Object Spacing -- adjust the spacing between multiple selected objects so that the same amount of space is in between each pair of objects.
- adjustobjectspacing -- adjusts the spacing of selected objects in a form.
- adjustobjectspacingdialog -- opens a dialog sheet to adjust the spacing of the currently selected objects.
- Aligning Objects -- so that two or more object edges are made even with each other.
- Automatic Form Construction -- creates a column of form elements for editing data fields (or variables).
- Automatic Mailing Label Construction -- creates a mailing label.
- Automatic Report Construction -- creates a tabular report with columns of data.
- automaticformname( -- returns an available form name.
- bringforward -- brings the selected form objects one layer towards the front.
- bringtofront -- brings the selected form objects to the front.
- Cocoa Objects -- discussion of how objects are implemented in Panorama X compared to earlier versions
- Construct Menu -- used to automatically construct complex form applications, including calendars, lists, mailing labels, and more.
- constructfieldssheet -- opens a sheet to add/insert multiple new fields into the database.
- Creating a New Form Object -- with the Object Library.
- Data Button Object -- is used to create checkboxes and radio buttons.
- deleteformcustompreference -- deletes a form custom preference.
- Diagnosing a Formula embedded in a Form Object -- diagnosing problems with formulas embedded in form objects.
- Displaying Data in a Grid -- fundamentals of displaying data in a grid (Text List/Matrix).
- Duplicating Objects -- to make copies of one or more objects.
- exportform( -- exports a form and the form's meta data as a binary object that can be imported with the importform statement.
- fieldblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the current field.
- Fixed Image Object -- is used for fixed images (images that never change).
- Fonts -- setting the font and text size of form text objects.
- Form Object Appearance -- changing the color, fill, stroke, opacity and drop shadow attributes of selected objects.
- Form Object Blueprint -- display and edit raw object specifications
- Form Object Code -- associating programming code with an object
- Form Properties -- specify the name of the form, and various form options.
- formblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the current form.
- formcolor -- changes the background color of the current form.
- formoptionsblueprintsheet -- opens a dialog sheet to edit the blueprint of the current form options.
- Forms -- display data with a customizable graphic layout.
- formtodatamode -- switches the current form window to data mode.
- formtographicsmode -- switches the current form window to graphics mode.
- getformcustompreference( -- returns the value of a form custom preference.
- getformcustompreferencenames( -- returns a list of custom preferences associated with a form.
- getformoption( -- returns information about a form.
- goform -- switches the current window to a different form.
- Graphics Mode -- is used to edit the graphic design of a form.
- Grouping Objects -- allows you to manipulate multiple objects as if they were a single object.
- Image Display Animations -- animated images.
- Image Display Colors and Gradients -- displaying pure colors and gradients
- Image Display Data Buttons -- checkboxes and radio buttons created from custom images.
- Image Display Object -- is used for dynamic images (images that change depending on the data).
- Image Display Push Buttons -- push buttons created from custom images.
- importform -- imports a form into a database.
- info("formevent") -- returns the last event that occurred to the current form.
- info("formname") -- returns the name of the current form.
- Line Item Grid Constructor -- creates a grid of form elements for displaying and editing line item fields.
- Line Object -- draws a line within a form.
- Matrix Clicking -- handling clicks in a Matrix Object.
- Matrix Constructor -- quickly creating a Matrix Object from a template.
- Matrix Database Integration -- synchronizing a Matrix Object with a database.
- Matrix Geometry -- customizing the size and geometry of Matrix Object elements.
- Matrix Header and Horizontal Scrolling -- setting up a custom header for a Matrix Object grid.
- Matrix Object -- displaying a grid of items with a custom arrangement.
- Matrix Object Frame -- setting up the arrangement of items within a Matrix Object.
- Matrix Programming -- programming a Matrix object.
- Object Inspector Panel -- is used to view and modify the attributes of selected objects in a form.
- Object Library -- is used to create new objects in a form.
- Object Names -- can be used to identify an object in a program.
- Objects Menu -- used to select, modify and arrange graphics objects in a form.
- openclonewindow -- opens a clone of the current window.
- openfarform -- opens a form in another database.
- Oval Object -- draws an oval or circle within a form.
- Polygon Object -- draws a polygon within a form.
- Popup Menu Button Object -- is used to create popup menus anywhere on a form.
- printonemultiple -- prints a form over and over again without advancing from record to record. Instead of advancing from record to record, a variable is incremented each time the form is printed. This statement is designed for printing calendars or thumbnails.
- printtopdf -- prints the current database to a PDF file.
- printusingform -- allows the current database to be printed using a different form than the one currently being displayed.
- Progress Indicator Object -- is used to create progress indicators
- Push Button Object -- triggers a procedure when it is pushed.
- Rectangle Object -- draws a rectangle or square within a form.
- Report Tile Object -- component for assembling a custom report.
- Rounded Rectangle Object -- draws a rectangle with round corners within a form.
- Scroll Bar Object -- is used to create scroll bars.
- Segmented Button Object -- is used to created segmented buttons.
- selectedformobjectsblueprintsheet -- opens a sheet to edit the blueprint of the currently selected objects.
- Selecting Form Objects -- so that they can be modified.
- sendbackward -- sends the selected form objects one layer towards the back.
- sendtoback -- sends the selected form objects to the back.
- setformcustompreference -- sets the value of a form custom preference.
- setformoptions -- modifies one or more properties of a form (name, viewing mode, etc.).
- setreportcolumns -- allows a procedure to control the number of columns of a report, and the direction (across or down).
- showrectangle -- refreshes all or part of the current form window.
- Slider Object -- is used to create sliders and knobs.
- Smart Resize -- adjusts the sizes and locations of the other selected objects to match the change of one object.
- Star Object -- draws a star within a form.
- Stepper Object -- is used to create numeric steppers for use with Text Editor objects.
- Tab Panel Appearance -- appearance options for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Buttons and Selection -- button options for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Constructor -- quickly creating a Tab Panel Object from a template.
- Tab Panel Content -- setting up the content for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Forms -- setting up the forms for a Tab Panel Object.
- Tab Panel Object -- switchable tab panels.
- Text Display Object -- is used to display text using a formula.
- Text Editor Object -- is used to edit text in a field or variable.
- Text Label Object -- displays a short, fixed, text item within a form.
- Text List Appearance -- customizing the appearance of a Text List Object.
- Text List Constructor -- quickly creating a Text List Object from a template.
- Text List Database Integration -- synchronizing a Text List Object with a database.
- Text List Multiple Columns -- displaying multiple columns in a Text List Object
- Text List Object -- displaying a grid of text.
- Text List Programming -- programming a Text List Object.
- Text List Searching -- searching within a Text List Object.
- Text List Selection -- selecting items in a Text List Object.
- Text Object Background Color/Gradient -- text object background colors and gradients.
- textlisttableoptions -- sets up text list table options
- View-As-List Forms -- displaying a custom data layout as a continuous sheet.
- Web Browser Object -- is used to display web pages from within a Panorama form.
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0, but with new user interface. |