This page is currently incomplete, but you can find information about this topic at the links below:
- appendluhncheckdigit( -- The appendluhncheckdigit( function adds a Luhn check digit to a series of digits.
- bigendian( -- The bigendian( function returns true if Panorama is running on a "big endian" processor
- computermacid( -- The computermacid( function returns the primary MAC address for this computer.
- devbuild( -- The devbuild( function always returns false in production copies of Panorama.
- ethernetinterfaces( -- The ethernetinterfaces( function returns a dictionary containing all of the MAC addresses associated with this computer.
- info("computername") -- The info("computername") function returns the name of the computer (as set up in the System Preferences Sharing panel).
- info("computerserialnumber") -- The info("computerserialnumber") function returns the computer's serial number.
- info("expressionstacksize") -- The info("expressionstacksize") function returns the fake size of expression stack.
- info("filesystemmonitors") -- The info("filesystemmonitors") function lists the active file system monitors.
- info("formulabuffer") -- The info("formulabuffer") function returns the fake size of the formula buffer.
- info("formulamemory") -- The info("formulamemory") function function returns the fake size of the formula memory.
- info("guid") -- The info("guid") function returns a unique identifier string.
- info("localhostname") -- The info("localhostname") function returns the computer's local host name.
- info("osversion") -- The info("osversion") function returns the operating system version and build number.
- info("panoramaname") -- The info("panoramaname") function returns the name of the currently running copy of Panorama.
- info("panoramauptime") -- The info("panoramauptime") function returns the number of seconds since Panorama launched.
- info("quitinprogress") -- The info("quitinprogress") function returns true if Panorama is in the process of quitting.
- info("ram") -- The info("ram") function returns the amount of physical RAM in this computer.
- info("unixgroupid") -- The info("unixgroupid") function returns the UNIX group ID of the current user.
- info("unixuserid") -- The info("unixuserid") function returns the UNIX user ID of the current user.
- info("unixusername") -- The info("unixusername") function returns the short user name of the logged in user.
- info("uptime") -- The info("uptime") function returns the number of seconds since the computer was last booted.
- info("user") -- The info("user") function returns the name of the user of this computer.
- littleendian( -- The littleendian( function returns true if Panorama is running on a "little endian" processor.
- os9( -- The os9( function returns true if running on OS 9.
- oswindows( -- The oswindows( function returns true if running on Microsoft Windows, otherwise false
- osx( -- The osx( function returns true if running on OS X, otherwise false
- specialkey( -- The specialkey( function returns the unicode value for special keys on the keyboard.
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0, with some updates. |