The revealinfinder statement reveals a file or folder in the Finder.
This statement has one parameter:
path – is a path to the file or folder to be revealed, including the file or folder name (see Files and Folders for more information about file paths).
This statement reveals a document or application in the Finder. A new Finder window opens displaying the specified item, with the specified item highlighted. This example will reveal the PDF document concert-ticket.pdf in the Finder
revealinfinder "~/downloads/concert-ticket.pdf"
If you want to reveal multiple items, use the revealmultipleinfinder statement.
Legacy Two-parameter Syntax
Previous versions of Panorama (version 6 and before) used a two-parameter format for the revealinfinder statement:
revealinfinder folder,filename
For compatibility with existing databases, this format still works. Here is an example that reveals an image that is in a subfolder of the folder that contains the current database.
revealinfinder dbsubfolder("Images"),"someimage.png"
See Also
- applescriptconstant( -- converts an expression into an AppleScript literal.
- applescriptstring( -- converts text into an AppleScript string literal.
- arraytopythonlist( -- converts a Panorama array into a Python list.
- hideotherapplications -- hides all other applications, leaving only Panorama visible.
- javascriptconstant( -- converts an expression into a JavaScript literal.
- javascriptstring( -- converts a text string into a JavaScript string
- jsonscriptstring( -- converts text into a JSON string literal
- loadcustomfunctions -- reloads all ProVUE defined custom functions.
- openanything -- opens a document or application.
- openurl -- opens a URL (usually a web page or to create an e-mail message).
- openurlinbackground -- opens a URL (usually a web page or to create an e-mail message) without bringing forward the app that handles the URL (in other words, Panorama remains the frontmost application).
- openwith -- opens a document with a specific application.
- openwithterminal -- opens an application in a new window (useful for debugging).
- perlconstant( -- encodes text for use as a constant in a Perl program.
- perlscriptstring( -- converts text into a Perl string literal.
- phpconstant( -- encodes text for use as a contant in a php program.
- posixpath( -- converts a path and filename into a POSIX path that can be used as a parameter to a shell command.
- pythonconstant( -- encodes text for use as a constant in a python program.
- registercustomfunction -- defines a new custom function.
- Reveal in Finder -- reveal the location of a database in the Finder.
- revealmultipleinfinder -- reveals one or more files or folders in the Finder.
- rubyconstant( -- encodes a value for use as a constant in a Ruby program.
- runningappinfo( -- returns information about applications that are currently running on this computer.
- Scripting Panorama X with AppleScript -- embedding Panorama code into AppleScript (allowing Panorama to be controlled from other programs).
- setappleeventvalue -- may be used in a procedure that responds to an AppleEvent (this includes AppleScript programs), the statement specifies the value to be returned by the event.
- shellscriptwithterminal -- runs a shell script in a new window (useful for debugging).
- unixshellpath( -- converts a path and filename into a POSIX path that can be embedded within the shellscript statement.
- unixshellstring( -- encodes text for use as a parameter to a unix shell command.
10.0 | Updated | Carried over from Panorama 6.0 but now uses a one parameter syntax. (The old two parameter syntax is still available.) |