
The downloadpartialdatabase statement downloads specified components of the current database from the server. The current database must be shared.


This statement has one parameter:

components – comma separated list of components to download and update. The available options are: data, settings, fieldconfig, forms, procedures, variables and printinfo. You can also use all to export all components.


This statement downloads specified components of the current database from the server. The current database must be shared. After downloading, the specified components of the current database are updated.

This example downloads the procedures from the server version of database, and updates the local copy of the database. Any local changes that had been made to the procedures will be lost.

downloadpartialdatabase "procedures"

You can download and update multiple components at once.

downloadpartialdatabase "forms,procedures"

If the data option is specified, the field structure and data will be downloaded and updated. This means that any data in the local database will be wiped out. If you want to preserve the data, you will have to export it first, then figure out how to import it again with the data in the correct fields after the structure has been updated. This has to be done manually by your code.

See Also


10.2NewNew in this version.