
The < operator compares two values to see if the first value is less than the second value.


This operator has two parameters:

value1 – The first numeric or text value.

value2 – The second numeric or text value.


The < operator compares two values to see if the first is smaller than the second. The two values can be either text or numeric, but they must both be the same type. The result is true if the first value is less than the second, and false if the first is less than or equal to the second. Here are some examples:

34 < 45 ☞ true
73 < 34 ☞ false
56 < 56 ☞ false
"abc" < "xyz" ☞ true
"xyz" < "abc" ☞ false
"abc" < "abc" ☞ false
"123" < 123 ☞ error

You can also spell out the operator name, like this:

598 islessthan 747 ☞ true
"abc" islessthan "def" ☞ true

Note: The Boolean values true and false are actually integer (numeric) values -1 and 0 respectively.

Error Messages

Cannot compare text with number. – Both parameters must be the same data type. If one is text and the other is numeric, the result is this error.

See Also


10.0UpdatedCarried over from Panorama 6.0, but now allows alternate spelling