
The comparedictprocedures statement compares all the procedures from a dictionary with the procedures in a specified database.


This statement has five parameters:

database – Name of the database, or “” for current database.

dictionary – Dictionary (built with the saveallprocedures statement)

modified – Field or variable to receive a carriage return delimited list of procedures that exist in both places but are not identical.

new – Field or variable to receive a carriage return delimited list of procedures that exist in the dictionary but not in the database.

removed – Field or variable to receive a carriage return delimited list of procedures that exist in the database but not in the dictionary.


This statement compares all the procedures from a dictionary with the procedures in a specified database. It returns information about how the two lists differ.

Here is an example that saves a copy of all procedures in the current database into a global variable.

global psave
saveallprocedures psave

Here is a second example that can be run later to find out which procedures have been modified.

local mp,np,rp
comparedictprocedures "",psave,mp,np,rp

Note: Starting with Panorama X, you can use the File>Export>Blueprint feature and check the database blueprint into a git repository (or other svn). This allows you to track changes made to procedures (and other database elements) through the source version control system.


10.0No ChangeCarried over from Panorama 6.0.