
The rawtags( function is an internal function used by other tag functions.


This function has three parameters:

text – is the item of text that contains the tags you want to process.

header – is the text that you want to use as a tag header. For example, if you want to extract an HTML tag, use "<" as the header. If you wanted to extract a bold text item you would use "<B>" as the header. (Note: Upper or lower case is ignored, so "<b>" will also work.)

trailer – is the text that you want to use as a tag trailer. For example, if you want to extract an HTML tag, use ">" as the trailer. If you wanted to extract a bold text item you would use"</B>" as the trailer. (Note: Upper or lower case is ignored, so "</b>" will also work.)


This is an internal function used by ProVUE to create other tag functions. You should not use this function directly.


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