This version fixes the known problems with macOS 15 Sequoia, as well as problems introduced with the b40 version. It also includes the changes listed below.
- Fixed b40 problem with pop-up menus messing up the key window.
- Fixed various File>New>Database commands that were broken in b40.
- Panorama now gives you the ability to easily recompile all code and formulas in a database, see the Recompiling Code help page. Recompiling is mandatory for existing databases if they use any of these functions - after(, before(, tagstrip(, xtagvalue(, tagdata(, tagcount(, rawtags(, tagstrip(, striphtmltags(, tagstart(, tagend(, replacefirst(, regexreplacefirst(, regexreplacefirstexact(, jsonscriptstring(, imageinfo(, htmltablecellraw(, htmltablecell(, htmltablerowraw(, htmltablerow(, htmltablecellexists(, htmltableheight(, htmltablewidth(, panoramaservercgisuffix(, panoramaxserverurl(, localpanoramaxservername(.
- New SaveAndClose statement saves and then closes a specified database. This is recommended instead of using separate save and closefile statements.
- A procedure can now open a database with a filename that contains a period. For example
opendatabase "example.mailing.list"
will now work.
- The importtext statement has a new fieldtype option that allows any new fields created during the import as integer or float types (instead of text, the default).
- Fixed the setfieldproperties align option. In the past center/right were reversed, and it would only work for capitalized words. Now center, Center, and CENTER all work correctly, also right, Right, and RIGHT.
- The Make New Database with Crosstab Data command (Crosstab Workshop) now has greatly improved performance when exporting crosstabs with large numbers of rows and/or columns.
- New Unlock Window Order When Running Code option in Advanced Preference panel. When this option is enabled, the user will be able click on background windows and bring them forward - even when a procedure is running. Hopefully this option is never needed.
- Fixed the scope parameter of the wait statement - previously it did not work.
- Documentation corrections from David Scott, James Cook.